Fighting COVID-19

To combat the spread of COVID-19, California orders its nearly 40 million residents to stay home to prevent the spread of coronavirus until further notice.

On Mar 19, “We could not give you a deadline that we could really believe in,” Governor Gavin Newsom said in a press conference.

All businesses and operations must suspend all in-person operations that are not necessary, and all Californians must stay in their homes unless they’re a part of the essential infrastructure workforce. You can still go to the grocery store, or bring food to loved ones. Just stay at least six feet away from anybody you don’t live with and be mindful of others’ vulnerabilities.

Allganize took measures very early on in our Silicon Valley headquarter because our offices in Asia saw how rapidly the virus was spreading. At the beginning of March, CEO Changsu Lee reviewed the latest developments around COVID-19 and introduced new policies to our headquarter, strongly encouraging all employees to work from home and suspended all nonessential business travel. Lee said, "The availability of the technologies needed to work remotely have been there for a long time, it is a great time to learn to adapt and take advantage of them to become more productive, to move faster."

In a time of historical uncertainty, please wash your hands, keep your distance, and stay home to lower the risk for others. We're in this together.

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