Alli User Guide - Uploading Q&A with Links and Text Styles

Rich-text editor for editing and formatting your text.

Alli User Guide - Uploading Q&A with Links and Text Styles

You can also include links and text styles to answers in Alli. Let's check out how to do this.

Please remember that images, links and styles can be included only in the answer part of an Q&A, and not in the question part.

To add links in your Q&A file, you should use [#LinkText|URL] format. Just like how it is done below.

Use [#LinkText|URL] to include links in the file

Any links in your Q&A, whether they are added via uploading files or using dashboard Q&A editor, will be converted into the format shown above when you download the Q&A from the Alli dashboard. Hence, your links' information is preserved.

Once you upload the Q&A file, check whether the links are displayed as intended or not. If you encounter any errors, you may use our dashboard Q&A editor to correct them.

Check if the link works as intended after uploading

Adding Text Styles

To add text styles in your Q&A file, you should use xlsx format or a zip file to include both the excel file and the images. Just apply the style to the text in your Q&A excel sheet and then upload the file.

Apply text styles using excel editor
See the styles applied to Q&A after uploading

There are a few important things to keep in mind.

  • Bold, italic, and font color are the only format options available via the upload option. Underline and text size format options can be used via dashboard Q&A editor.
  • You may see a slight difference in the font color as Alli text editor doesn't support all the colors. Hence font color will be adjusted to the most similar color that is supported.
  • Again, xlsx format only. Xls, csv, and tsv formats are not supported.

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