Alli User Guide - Q&A Rating
Now customers can give ratings to answers they get from the Q&A node. Agents can see the number of positive and negative ratings in the Alli dashboard and improve the quality of the Q&A database, considering the result. #finetune

Now customers can give ratings to answers they get from the Q&A node. Agents can see the number of positive and negative ratings in the Alli dashboard and improve the quality of the Q&A database, considering the result.
When a customer gets an answer from the Q&A node, clickable positive/negative icon appears on the answer bubble.

To see how many positive/negative ratings the Q&A has, go to Knowledge Base > Q&A and find that Q&A. You can find the info below the answer part.

When you click the 'See more' link, you can check the original question queries by the customers who gave the rating.

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