Permanent Remote-First Model Marks the End of Silicon Valley
Remote-first or remote-friendly organizations makes working remotely the primary option for most or all employees.

COVID-19 has changed the cultural notion of where people can work and it is becoming a significant part of human life. The pandemic affects all industries and professions. It has exacerbated social and economic fault lines, hidden beneath Silicon Valley's bubble. The crisis has exposed explicit inequalities in Silicon Valley and amplified the dialectic disagreement between the area's perfect image and its uninviting pecuniary realities. Mass unemployment has quickly engrossed the area, but some companies are still flourishing despite the pandemic.
There are more and more tech companies that are creating remote-first or remote-friendly organizations. They make working remotely the primary option for most or all employees. Remote-first model is particularly attractive to employees with location-dependent family or employees who simply want to work where they want to live.

In the US, 94% of 1500 hiring companies have some of their employees work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Working from home reduces employees' commute time and costs. They arrive fresh at their desk and ready to go. The result is a happier, healthier and more motivated workforce. Teams are also less distracted by their co-workers, which have been found to improve productivity. Working from home has become an added advantage to most staff members, since they can schedule and organize their job and do it conveniently.
The remote-first model allows startups to save significant sums on real estate and access the best talent. It can attract and retain talent without them having to move to where the jobs are. Being able to perform a job from basically anywhere is a great perk that a younger demographic appreciate. Many of them are willing to take a lower salary for the flexibility and convenience of working from anywhere they want.

Impact of COVID-19 on Where People Live
Before the pandemic, Silicon Valley had become very difficult for startups to grow – rapidly increasing cost of real estate and exorbitant salaries for scarce tech talents. Remote-first model might just be the answer to some of the most pressing problems in Silicon Valley as the epicenter of innovation becomes an ethos scattered across the world.
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