Alli User Guide - Auto-create Survey Result Summary using Zapier

Using Zapier with Alli opens up tons of possibilities for task automation. Here's another great use case of Alli+Zapier integration worth checking out, creating a survey result summary in Google Spreadsheet automatically using the Build a Form node in Alli.

To learn how to integrate Zapier with Alli, please see this user guide.

Zapier Settings

Here is an example setting in the Zapier dashboard after finishing the Catch Hook Trigger setting. Again, please see the Zapier integration user guide to learn how to set the Trigger.

Overall flow of the Zap is pretty simple.
Select 'Google Sheets' and 'Create Spreadsheet Row'
Select Google account to get the list of available Google Sheets
Load the fields information and fill in the details including the Spreadsheet&Worksheet info and the survey items.
Test and turn on the Zap.

Once all the settings are up and you turn on the Zap, the survey results for the questions will be added to the 'Sheet1' in the 'Employee Survey result' sheet as new rows. You can use the data in any way you want, for example, to create a chart that applies new survey results in real-time.

Alli Skill Settings

Set the Build a Form node and the Integrate node as below to send the survey result to the Zap.

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