Alli User Guide - Answer Suggestions by AI in Conversations Menu
When agents talk to customers in the Conversations menu, they can get some help from Alli's AI to answer questions from customers. #manual #cs #

When agents talk to customers in the Conversations menu (click here to see the related user guide), they can get some help from Alli's AI to answer questions from customers. Let's see how to.
Go to the Conversation menu in your Alli dashboard. On the right-side panel, you'll see a search box under the 'Answer Suggestions' tab (if not, click the Answer Suggestions tab).
To search for the answer to the customer's question, the easiest way is to click on the magnifier icon next to the chat bubble. You need to move the mouse next to the chat bubble to see the icon.

Once you click it, the chat will be added to the search box in the Answer Suggestions panel, and the search will begin automatically.

Alli will suggest answers from the Q&As and Documents you registered in the Knowledge Base. Q&A configurations and MRC configurations are applied for the search results. For more details about Knowledge Base and the configurations, please see the user guides below.
If there is an answer that you'd like to use, click 'Use this answer' to copy the answer into the chat input field. You can edit the answer from there before you send it to the customer.

You can also enter any search query manually in the search box and press the enter key to start a search. The below screenshot is an example of Document search results from a manual search. When there are any search results from Documents, you can click the preview icon to see the context as you can do in the Documents Knowledge Base.